Monday, 5 February 2007

Drum Roll Please...

The Boy hates being called The Boy and is now officially happy to be known as Alasdair.

That is all.


Zain said...

Yeee Haaaa! Tell him I feel his pain as I too hate that phrase. Isla used to call me that and I hated it.

Up with first names; down with girl-created nick names.


Yogini said...

Whatever...saves you when you can't remember their name! But I'm surely glad to welcome Alistdair to the gang. X

Zain said...

Shady Isla, shady.

Susan Elena said...

Will you 2 please keep your domestics to yourselves and Isla what's with the creative spelling of Alasdair? It's not like you x

Yogini said...

Don't know...must have been half asleep! x

Susan Elena said...

I can't believe my shortest post has been the most commented upon! x