Friday, 2 February 2007

Downsizing is the New Black

Well that's what I'm trying to convince myself with anyway.

The bank balance has dictated that the round the world trip isn't happening. Instead I'll be embarking upon a series of mini-tours starting with the USA this summer. I was really disappointed at first but I think it's probably better in the long run, I won't have to sell my car, I won't lose all my contacts at work (it's taken me 5 years to build up a reputation and regular work pattern), I won't go bankrupt and I'll only miss my best pal and The Boy a little bit, I'm thinking they might even be able to join me on future trips.

To celebrate my decision I went to TopShop and bought myself a sexy new black top to wear out with the girls tomorrow night - you can tell where my problems started, eh!

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