Friday 25 January 2008

The Big Clear Out

After being moaned at by my friends, boyfriend and parents about the amount of clothes and stuff I have I've decided to take the bull by the horns and get rid of a whole load of it. I keep my clothes in great condition so I'm only getting rid of things that I don't wear anymore either because it doesn't fit me or I've just gone off the style of it.

I don't really have time to put it all on ebay but I don't want to just give it away either (look, I'm skint ok!) so I'm looking for an alternative... what other options do I have to earn some cash out of my old clothes? Does anyone know of any vintage shops that buy not-that-vintage clothing? Would anyone recommend a car boot sale? Does anyone fancy doing my ebay dirty work for me? Or are there other options?

A few skirts and some dresses


Zain said...

My rubbish male orientated advice would be to stop buying so many items of cloths in the first place and use that cash for something better. I am allowed to say this as I am pissed. Zx.

Susan Elena said...

Pissed eh? Well it didn't take long for the 'I much prefer the Aussie attitude to alcohol and not drinking to excess' attitude to slip away did it?!?!

Anonymous said...

And that's only your wardrobe, what about Bryan's?

Anonymous said...

Good words.