Yes, that's right in a moment of madness I accepted an offer to return to uni and do an MSc in Screendance. I found out about the course when an audience member mentioned it after seeing Dark Matter in April. I originally thought it'd be a 6 week intensive that I could pop along to, brush up on my editing skills and then get back to work. It was only when I got chatting to the course leader that I realised the intensity of it all. Not only is it a Masters degree but it's a full year, not an academic year, so I'm signed up to this until Sept 2008.
The course itself will introduce me to new software and techniques and has the opportunity for me to access the Dundee College dancers to create new work. There are only 2 of us full time on the Screendance strand and one other part time but we've been teamed up with Time Based Artists, Sound Artists, Illustrators and Animators as 'Media Arts and Imaging' so there's a range of people to work with on different things.
I'll be spending this year looking into interactive software and it's use within a non-dance context to create dance. It'll all become clear soon enough but basically it means lots of hours in tech suites programming for different eventualities then taking it into the real world, finding out it doesn't work the way I want it to and going back to square one. There will also be a choreographed piece using the software just in case.
It's all very exciting and I'm already noticing little things in my work that could be changed easily and make it much slicker so I'm off to do my first assignment now... the DVD of the last Blaze & FireBox performance.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Back to School
Posted by
Susan Elena
Labels: FireBox Dance Theatre, Masters, Screendance
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Too Tired to Move a Muscle
Sleep Paralysis
I had never heard of this term or condition before and even after I'd experienced it I assumed it was just a freaky dream but now I've had it 3 times in 2 weeks and it's starting to become a pain in the proverbial.
For the uninitiated amongst you, which I am assuming is probably the majority unless I've been living under a rock all these years. Sleep paralysis is the temporary paralysis of the body shortly after waking up or, less commonly, shortly before falling asleep (thanks Wikipedia). It feels like your mind is awake but you're unable to move or make any sounds. Very, very scary when you've no idea what's happening and you're trying to shout out for help but you can't make a noise.
The first time I had it was the day we got home from Bestival in Alasdair's house. Just as I was falling asleep I suddenly felt very panicky and realised I couldn't move. I managed to 'wake up' (I assumed I was dreaming at the time) and told Alasdair what had happened. He said he'd had the same 'dream' years ago and not to worry, I wouldn't actually become paralysed. I then went on to have several dreams about being chased and stabbed by people and having to throw knives at them to keep them back (get that shrink on speed dial!) but that's another story.
The second time was probably more scary as this time I was convinced something was wrong with me and I was on my own so had no-one to reassure me or, alternatively, call an ambulance if they woke up and I was paralysed. It happened for the third time last night, I was on my own again and only felt a wee bit worried about it. I'm now concerned that this is going to be a regular occurrence for me. I already get fits of restless leg syndrome and don't think I could put up with something else to disturb my sleep on a regular basis.
Has anyone else had this? Will they become more or less frequent? Any tips on avoiding it? Now that I know what it is I don't feel quite so anxious about them happening and apparently if I move my eyes slowly from side to side I'll be able to 'wake' myself up. Any other suggestions will be most appreciated.
A padded cell is being fitted as I type!
Posted by
Susan Elena
Labels: Bestival, dreams, Sleep paralysis
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Fun & Frolics at Bestival
I was going to attempt to document the whole weekend but so many strange and wonderful things happened that the only way I can organise my brain around them is by using bulletpoints. Some will be self-explanatory and some are 'in-jokes' and just for my own amusement I'm not going to explain them. Have fun drawing your own conclusions.
- 7 hour drive to Southampton, mini flip out from me when I spotted my friend's old house
- gorgeous sunset ferry trip to IOW
- manic driving trying to find Newport FC's makeshift campsite 'before dark' despite the fact I already had my full beams on
- tent up 2nd time lucky and a few celebratory drinks
- hunt the seat testicles
- 3 mile drive from Newport FC to Bestival site taking almost 2 hours
- 2 trips from car to campsite with booze and gear
- tent up 1st time and many celebratory drinks
- Bollywood Bar & Big Top for much dancing, laughing and chatting to strangers
- pirate day
- Worzel Gummage drops his rollie
- Christopher Walken
- 'You're a pure pie'
- midnight pizza munching
- Big Top for much dancing, laughing, chatting to strangers and aarrrgghing
- zzzip, ksssh, glug glug glug
- let's get married
- worst ale ever
- 'just a band'
- Big Top for much dancing, laughing and chatting to Grotbags
- 6.30am alarm
- to spew or not to spew
- £26 breakfast
- 7.15pm home safe and sound
- best shower ever
photos are on my flickr page x
Posted by
Susan Elena
Labels: Bestival, dancing, socialising
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Countdown to Bestival
I am getting very excited now. I have a tent, wellies, suncream, tickets and pirate costume all ready to go. A quick trip to asda (ok, maybe lidl) later on for booze and croissants (breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all) and we're all set. I even decorated the envelope with all the important things in it. Yes, I know that's possibly the most pathetic thing I've ever done but that's what happens when I get excited about things.
Now if everyone can join together in a little sundance for the weekend I will be most grateful. Thank you x
Posted by
Susan Elena
Labels: Bestival, dancing, socialising