In the morning I shall be jetting off to the States for 2 and a half months. Excited doesn't cover it. I'm sitting here making sure I have all the addresses I'll need, printing off emails, e-tickets and insurance forms and making sure I have all the cables, batteries and most importantly cash I'll need for the longest holiday I have ever been on.
Just think... my next blog will be on an American computer - woooh!
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Only 1 More Sleep!
Posted by
Susan Elena
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
America's Going Green
Ok, not in an environmental sense just in a 'Susan's been there and added it to her show-off tourist map' sense.
I always thought I was quite well-travelled but seeing it here in green and white it seems I still have some trekking to do...
Posted by
Susan Elena
Fantomasofobia Blok Rocked
Blaze and FireBox were performing on Sunday night and it was one of those rare occassions where I actually knew it was going well at the time. I'm generally a bundle of nerves when other people are performing things I've choreographed as there's nothing I can do if they get something wrong or bump into something or someone on stage or their costume falls off or the lights don't work or the CD skips. It's completely out of my hands and as most of you know I'm not very good at handing over responsibility. So it was a relief on Sunday when I arrived and the techs had almost finished setting up the lighting rig, the DJs equipment worked straightaway, the projector was focused, the DVD didn't jump and the dancers all turned up with the costumes that looked great knowing all their moves.
In fact, the very fact that the dress and tech rehearsal was going so well was beginning to worry me!
Luckily it continued into the performance, we had a great show and the audience gave us some amazing feedback which will appear on the website at some point.
Special thanks to John on Sunday. It was his first DJing gig and he nailed it, although I've never seen anyone quite as nervous before a show. Although threatening to swith his records with Russ Abbott's greatest hits probably didn't help...
Oh what an atmosphere...
Posted by
Susan Elena
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Tons of 'To Do' lists and only two weeks to do them!
At the 2 weeks to go stage my obsession with 'To Do' lists has reached scary new heights. It would be hectic enough if I was only going on holiday but stretch that into 3 months, add a performance with both my dance companies this weekend, an application for a Masters course and organising work for September and you end up with a very stressed Susan surrounded by lists.
Oh and don't let me forget car hire, Thursday camping and ferry passes for Bestival! Although I'm sure Alasdair and John were in charge of organising those. Seems with me being the only one connected to t'interweb I've drawn the short straw (nothing to do with my control freak tendencies, ok).
Before anyone feels the need to point it out for me, I do realise that if I stopped making lists and blogging about making lists I might actually get some things crossed off my lists. The irony hasn't escaped me.
Right, I'm off to do some work...
where's today's list again? x
Posted by
Susan Elena