Even though it's just Thursday. BUT it's no ordinary Thursday, it's a pre-Bank Holiday weekend Thursday, aka Fake Friday.
The past few weeks I've not really been feeling like myself, a bit sluggish and rundown which is unusual for me so I'm happy to be facing the weekend feeling invigorated and ready to go.
Tomorrow night Alasdair and I are going to see Nouvelle Vague after he bought me tickets for my birthday (yes Isla, I know this is taking the extended birthday thing to new levels!) then Sunday night we're going out dancing which means I have 72 hours to decide what to wear.
Better go then x
Thursday, 24 May 2007
I've got that Friday Feeling...
Posted by
Susan Elena
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The lovely people at the Scottish Arts Council have awarded me some money to fund the time I'm spending with Breakbone DanceCo and The Dance Colective in Chicago. I am obviously very pleased with myself.
Posted by
Susan Elena
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Get them while they're hot!
Tickets are now on sale for Fantomasofobia Blok at Gilmorehill G12 on Sunday 10th June.
Fantomasofobia: Film Noir, Femme Fatales & Dodgy Detectives
Blaze's latest piece, combining tap, street and contemporary dance, is set to unsetttling yet intriguing music by Messer Chups.
Blok: Aurally, Visually and Physically Electrifying
Driven by the energy of the dancers and the on-stage DJ Blok is as exciting to watch as it is to perform - almost!
Come and see it - you won't get a second chance!
Fantomasofobia Blok
Sunday 10th June 7.30pm
Tickets £7 from G12's box office 0141 330 5522
Posted by
Susan Elena
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Chicago Sorted
I got confirmation this morning that one of the dancers in the second company I'll be working with (ooh get me!) has a spare room she rents out and I can have it for my entire stay in Chicago.
Glad that's sorted, now I just have to figure out how to get from Chicago to LA. I've allowed 3 weeks to do it but I'm not sure whether to do it alone or take a tour or do half and half.
Decisions decisions x
In other news: I'm trying to get a flat of my own; Am looking into getting a new car; I'm considering going back to uni
Posted by
Susan Elena